Breakwater Academy Ofsted Inspection

We are pleased to share that Breakwater Academy has been inspected on ungraded inspection.  Inspectors found that leaders have taken effective action to continue to improve the academy.  You can read the report by following the link below.

Parents and carers say that children ‘come on in leaps and bounds’ at Breakwater Academy. They are right. Expectations are high. Pupils work hard, meet expectations and are justifiably proud of their achievements. They explain enthusiastically that there is ‘lots to learn’.  Carefully chosen visits, visitors and experiences help bring learning to life.
Pupils learn about their community through taking part in local events and visits to museums and the fire station. They learn about the wider world through opera trips or through working alongside chefs, preparing and serving food.
Pupils play their part in making the school a friendly and happy place. They are passionate about the importance of the ‘kindness and tolerance charters’, which they helped to create. They feel respected and listened to. Pupils learn about the process of democracy through trips to parliament and meeting the local MP. They have used what they have learned to create their own pupil parliament at school.